Please Note: This store will undergo required maintenance on Tuesday, March 11th, from approximately 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST and may be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you!


2200mAh Power Bank Charger

  • Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery. Input: 5V/550mA; Output: 5V/800mA; Capacity: 2200 mAh
  • Charge time varies by device. Power bank must be charged prior to first use
  • Aluminum cube-shaped universal international mobile phone battery charger for mobile phones and other small electronic devices such as GPS and MP3 players
  • Includes on/off button and features LED indicator light (blue light when bank is turned on, red light when bank is charging, and blue light when bank is fully charged)
  • USB charging cable provided
  • Instructions included
  • UL Certified (UL File # MH60484)
  • *
    Availability: Out of stock
    On Order: n/a
    Available On: n/a
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